
A Conversation with a Trump Supporter

I recently was talking to a Trump supporter and the topic of John Podesta came up. He called John "Molesta Podesta", an apparent reference to the widely debunked Pizza Gate "Conspiracy". So I had to ask, "Do you have any idea why, if you think Podesta is a child molester he has never been charged?". His Answer: "Well there are people in the US with political ties that ensure they won't be charged. John (and Hillary) fall into that category."

Republicans, the Party of Stupid

As our country descends deeper and deeper into the abyss of political divide, it should be noted that one side is right (or at least more right) than the other. They both can not be correct.

Now the Right side of the Aisle has been saying for awhile that the eschew political correctness. And I am tempted to say that Republicans are (pick a four letter word here with an ing attached) Stupid. With a capital S. And they just don't care.

World War III Is Ongoing

World War Three


World War Three has started and it is unlike any war we could have imagined. Our freedoms and way of life are at stake, but the war is being fought in a way that is so underhanded, so devious, it is hard to realize it is even going on. But it turns out, these new methods of war have been employed before and are very effective. And now with technological innovations, these new methods are even more effective and more devious. But first I want to tell you a story.

Why We are so Polarized

After writing that Yahoo comment article, I started thinking about why. Why are we so polarized? Why does there seem to be so many people at the extremes, shouting, screaming and hating? Here is someone who does an elegant job of explaining it. This is professor Lawrence Lessig and he starts of by describing Lesterland.

Let me know what you think.


Yahoo Comments. Embarrassing for the Human Race

At some point, Yahoo needs to do away with their comment section. Its embarrassing. Embarrassing for us as humans to witness the sheer stupidity that is the Yahoo comment section. Yes I know what you are thinking, "What about Fox News? That's pretty darn lame right? People are pretty stupid to watch that right". OK, but on Fox News, its kind of fun to watch just from the entertainment point of view. Yes its all slanted BS with a little bit of fact tossed in and yes there are people who do believe in it, but without it, John Stewart wouldn't have as much material.


Feeling Sorry for Conservatives

Lately my heart is going out to conservatives. The party of Abraham Lincoln is turning into the party of stupid.

When the polls were showing Obama leading, I kept hearing from conservatives that the polls were wrong. The pollsters were over polling Democrats. Or they weren't polling older people (who they said were more conservative) because polling was being done via cell phone and old conservative codgers don't apparently have cell phones.


Why the Tea Party is Stupid

The Tea Party is mostly upset with one thing. The deficit and by extension, that national debt. Now that sounds pretty reasonable. We all want responsible government spending. And isn't the deficit insanely high lately? The national debt (and by extension the interest on the debt) is astronomical. So isn't the Tea Party something we can all get on board with.

Maybe. But this is the reason that looking at things without context is dangerous. So lets put some context around this issue.


Romney is a Jerk

There. I said it. I think Romney is a Jerk. He is running for president, the top governemnt job, but it is obvious he has done everything he can to avoid paying for the government. He has amassed something close to 102 million dollars in his IRA by apparently putting stock in it that was severely undervalued. The reason, to avoid paying taxes. Avoid paying for the very thing he now whats to be head of.


Obama Care Legal?

If congress can force you into the army during a war, shouldn't they be able to fine you if you don't get health insurance? For the good of the nation and all of that.


Conservative Old People

On NPR tonight they mentioned they were interviewing Old People.... well people older than 65, and many of them said they were angry at the current government. And most of them identified themselves "Conservative". Great.

One point though. If you are an old person that voted for George W. Bush, even once, you should shut the hell up, and only be angry at yourself.



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